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I am alive
Because he lives
I am saved
Because he's salvation
I am loved
Because he's love
I am a child
Because he's my father
I am a Prince
Because he's the king
I am pardoned
Because he's grace
I am conscious
Because he's omniscient
I am the air
Because he's the wind
I am unnatural
Because he's a spirit
I am deep
Because he's profound
I am undefeatable
Because he's invincible

           HE IS GOD. 


  1. Hi Michael,
    I want to let you know that I quoted you on my facebook page "Elements of Essence"
    I am a hobby photographer, I post my photos as examples of God's essence. I hope quoting you was OK. I thought that the quote I used went perfectly with the photo I posted today.
    I like your poem "The Awesomeness of God" Can I tell you something I struggle with when talking of God? I believe God is a spirit, a great spirit, the mightiest spirit and I believe a spirit is neither a he or a she. God is God. So, perhaps your poem would be even more powerful if the lines read "I am alive, because God lives, ------------------ I am deep because God is profound." Thank you for sharing your beautiful essence with the world. Teri


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